
Adds sentiment analysis to short texts via Sentistrength
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This tool uses
Sentistrength to analyze the sentiment of short texts. Three types of data can be uploaded: Netvizz, DMI-TCAT, or a regular CSV file.
NetVizz data
Go to
Netvizz and download a data file in tabular format (e.g. liked pages with comments) for input in this tool
Go to
DMI-TCAT and do a 'Full Export' for your data set for input in this tool.
Other text data
You can also upload a tab separated CSV file, with a single header line. Text in the left most column of the CSV file will be analysed using Sentistrength.
To save a spreadsheet as a tab separated CSV file, in the free
Libre Office do the following: File > save as > csv (check edit filter settings) > field delimiter: {tab} > save. All other settings are default.
%IFDEFINEDTHEN{"" glue="off"}%
Sample project
Warning: Can't find topic Dmi.ToolNetvizzToSentiStrengthSampleProject
Winter 2014 Project 9Psychogeographies of Amsterdam East Documentation for the 2014 Digital Methods Winter School, Data Sprint and Mini Conference "My Sentiments Exactly: On Methods o...