Instagram Hashtag Explorer

Retrieve either the latest media tagged with a specified term or the media around a particular location.

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Since Instagram has recently changed its platform regulations, this tool has stopped working on June 1 2016. More information here.

This small tool retrieves either the latest media tagged with a specified term or the media around a particular location and creates:
  • a tabular file containing a list of media with lots of meta-information;
  • a tabular file with information on the users related to those media;
  • a co-tag file (GDF format) to analyze e.g. in gephi;
For more information on how to use this tool, check out this video.

Before using the tool, you may want to have a look at the FAQ section here.


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Sample project

Warning: Can't find topic Dmi.ToolInstagramHashtagExplorerSampleProject


Topic revision: r1 - 30 Nov 2015, ErikBorra
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