You are here: Foswiki>Dmi Web>ToolDatabase>ToolGooglePlaySimilar (21 Nov 2016, FernandoVanDerVlist)Edit Attach

Google Play Similar Apps

DMI Google Play Similar Apps is a simple tool to extract the details of individual apps, collect ‘Similar’ apps, and extract their details.

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DMI Google Play Similar Apps is built on top of Google Play, the official app store for the Android operating system:

  1. First, create a seed list of one or multiple Play Store app IDs (unique identifiers) to be used as starting points. These IDs can be obtained directly from Google Play URLs pointing to the details pages of individual apps. For example, Instagram’s details page URL:; Instagram’s app ID:
  2. Second, input the seed list of IDs in the tool (one per line) and run the tool to scrape details and ‘Similar’ apps. Don’t forget to name your result properly (e.g., including your name, a date, and a keyword) for retrieval at a later time. A process log is shown while the tool is running. Do not close the browser window while it is.
  3. Third, the tool (i) extracts the available details for each individual app, (ii) collects IDs of apps listed as ‘Similar’ on their details pages, and (iii) also extracts the details for each of these ‘Similar’ apps.
  4. Finally, after successful completion results can be downloaded via the ‘Output’ tab. It outputs the following standard file formats: tabular (.HTML, .CSV) and networks (.GDF). Please note: This tool stores previous jobs under the ‘Past Jobs’ tab, with the job name provided by the researcher.


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Sample project

Warning: Can't find topic Dmi.ToolGooglePlaySimilarSampleProject


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Topic revision: r2 - 21 Nov 2016, FernandoVanDerVlist
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