Google News Scraper

Scrapes Google News.
%IFDEFINEDTHEN{"1" glue="off"}%
The scraper batch queries, outputting a table of returns including URL, title, source, date, teaser text, and thumbnail image, .
Enter sources to be queried (optional, one per line, e.g., a set of key words (one per line) and a project name for the results file. Select desired number of results per query (default is 100, as greater numbers require multiple scrapes). In the advanced options you can also set a date range for your query, amongst other things.
Optionally, the scraper retrieves thumbnail images attached to each search return.
%IFDEFINEDTHEN{"1" glue="off"}%
Sample project
Discover uses of "security fence," "apartheid wall" and "security barrier" in news media, outputting a
table. Select all, and paste special in MS-Excel. Results may be visualized in a number of ways, including the following network diagram showing associations between terms and media sources.
See: R. Rogers and A. Ben-David, "
Coming to Terms: A conflict analysis of the usage, in official and unofficial sources, of 'security fence,' 'apartheid wall,' and other terms for the structure between Israel and the Palestinian Territories,"
Media, Conflict & War, 2, 3, 2010, 202-229.[
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