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Hungarian Web: How homogenous is it visually?

Team Members

Demet Dagdelen (ELTE - Media Studies, Mathematics)

Orsolya Gulyas (UvA - Media Studies)


Research question:

What kind of thematic and visual patterns can we find on the so-called ‘Hungarian Web’? How homogenous is it in terms of themes and layout/design? Color schemes?


Demarcating the Hungarian Web

1.) Find 100 most popular websites

a.) Google AdPlanner (first 1000 URLs)

- search filter: geography (Hungary)

- 3 different lists for the settings:
  • audience reach
  • best match
  • composition index
b.) Alexa ranking

c.) Compare Lists / Triangulation tool -> list of URLs based on popularity (only keep .hu)

Labeling by theme - 13 themes

1. News

2. Social Network

3. Email

4. Commercial (e.g. company website)

5. Shopping

6. Web Portal

7. Interest (e.g. cars, lifestyle, etc.)

8. Forum

9. Video Sharing

10. File Sharing

11. Ads/Classifieds

12. Blog

13. Service (e.g. dictionary, timetable info, etc.)

Categorizing by layout

- 16 different templates

Only Level 1:


- visualized 70 of the first 100 URLs

- 16 templates and 13 themes from 100 URLs

- not as homogenous as thought? - no dominant pattern/significant correlation between layout and theme

Issues and Limitations

Further research

Widen the range of websites, compare with other countries with similar as well as vastly different economic and cultural backgrounds --› is this the norm or is it a characteristic of the hungarian web?

I AttachmentSorted ascending Action Size Date Who Comment
Untitled_1.odgodg Untitled_1.odg manage 495 K 08 Jul 2011 - 14:20 DemetDagdelen 7x10 visualization by category and layout
vishungarian.pdfpdf vishungarian.pdf manage 215 K 08 Jul 2011 - 14:24 DemetDagdelen  
Topic revision: r4 - 08 Jul 2011, OrsolyaGulyas
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