The Dutch blogosphere

Research on the Dutch blogosphere:

Hypothesis: As far as we can speak of a Dutch blogosphere, it is a very scattered sphere. I (Anne) would like to argue that the Dutch blogosphere is formed by shocklogs, thus forming a shocklogosphere (obviously, this is stretching the boundaries of coining a neologism). As Frank Schaap argues "the Dutch weblog community has developed a distinct style of online presence" which I would propose to link to the popularity of shocklogs.

Dutch blog sites

In 2004 Frank Schaap estimated that the number of Dutch weblogs is somewhere between 2454 and 6,500. His estimate of active weblogs is between 1,600 and 4,150 but things have changed considerably since.

The Dutch blog hosting provider lists 403.594 blogs (July 17, 2007). is the Dutch equivalent of Blogger but the main difference is that functions more as a portal.

The site calls itself the largest Dutch network for theme-based blogs. The network consists of 47 blogs (July 17, 2007) which are maintained by "professional journalists". The blogs are indexed on the front page by theme:
  • Media
  • Lifestyle
  • Voetbal
  • Muziek
  • Film
  • Vrouw
  • Media
  • Jongeren
  • Man
  • Sport
  • Gezondheid
  • Lokaal
  • Zakelijk
A political theme is absent from the list. The front page lists the most recent posts of those themes and offers the possibility of removing a theme to create a personal startpage. Blog Online B.V. (the company behind also offers a platform to create a personal blog at

The site hosts 3329 blogs (July 17, 2007).

Dutch Directions

Dutch blog directory which has not been updated since January 2007.

The Dutch political blogosphere

Blogs on politics, by non-politicians and non-journalists.


Lists used from:
  • Blogs that are maintained by people who are affiliated with a political party were removed from the list because these belong to the Dutch politicians blogosphere (see other part of the wiki). Not all blogs provided an "About" page but in most cases a simple Google name search provided the necessary information.

List ResultsPoliticalBlogosphere

  • double check list on political affiliation.
  • devide list in right-wing and left-wing
  • put lists in issuecrawler: three crawls: one general crawl (total list), one left-wing crawl and one right-wing crawl. priviliged starting points ON, iteration 1, crawl depth 3

Dead blogs: These blogs have not been updated for a while and were thus removed from the list. Most blogs have been abandoned after the elections of 22nd November 2006 which points to the temporary role these blogs have served in the Dutch political blogging landscape.

Random: "politiek" 47709 resultaten

Dutch Blogosphere lists

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Topic revision: 31 Aug 2007, ErikBorra
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